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Sallyann Villanueva

Sallyann Villanueva

Wellness Services:​

  • Private and Small Group Yoga

Sally began her yoga journey at the invitation of a friend and quickly realized she had found a pathway "home" within herself through the practice of yoga. The desire to grow in mind, body and spirit have always been pursuits of Sally's and yoga provided a space to integrate all of them both on and off the mat.

Sally received her 200-hour certification through the Be Inspired program at Be Yoga and found that the concepts she learned provided understanding and clarity to her personal practice and gave birth to a desire to share the gift of yoga with others through teaching.

Sally enjoys teaching slow flow yoga, mindful of cueing proper anatomical alignment while creating an inviting space within each class to explore an awareness of body, mind and spirit, along with an appreciation of what the breath in each moment offers.

Meet Sally on the mat and journey together on your yogic path!

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